报名须知 Exam Registration
- 2022年AP考试将在5月2日-6日和5月9日-13日两周内以线下考试形式进行。2022年AP考试不提供网上考试选择。
- 同一个考生每年只能报考同一门AP考试一次,不能重复报考或在不同考点报名参加同一科目考试。禁止在不同AP考点报名参加同一门考试,违反者考试报名将面临被取消。
- 学生在同一年只能报考AP微积分AB或AP微积分BC其中一门,不能同时报考两门。
- 学生可以在一年内参加所有四门AP物理考试。
- 希望同年报考AP统计学和AP Seminar (专题研讨)的学生,只能报考5月5日举行的AP统计学考试,和5月20日的AP Seminar考试。
- 希望报考AP艺术史和AP微观经济学的学生,只能报考5月6日的微观经济学考试和5月19日的艺术史考试。
- Prometric 不提供的AP考试科目,学生请访问AP官网或联系AP客服寻求帮助。
- 必须是CEEB代码/大学理事会的学校代码(以694开头的6位数学校代码)在AP授权的学校注册的学生。
- Prometric只为AP授权学校提供考试服务,不受理非AP学校的社会考生报名。
- 学生必须具有有效的政府颁发的身份证件如下。
- 中国大陆居民身份证
- 港澳居民居住证
- 台湾居民居住证
- 港澳居民来往内地通行证
- 台湾居民来往大陆通行证
- 港澳特区居民身份证
- 港澳特区护照
- 护照(非中国籍)
- 出生于2001年5月31日之后。
- 在学生向Prometric进行报名缴费之前, AP学校管理员需要先收集考生信息并建立一个报名信息文件,列出本校的AP学生及需要报考的科目。
- 只有AP学校管理员提交的名单里的学生和科目才有资格向Prometric进行下一步考试报名及缴费。
- 学生只能通过本校AP管理员报考AP Art & Design(艺术设计)和AP Research(学术论文),考点不提供这些科目。
- 学生如需报考Prometric没有提供的考试科目,可以咨询其它AP考点(例如香港或韩国)。
- 所有已完成报名的考生保证有考位。
- 报名时,学生将获悉哪个城市参加考试。具体考试地点暂定在考前两个月左右通知到各AP学校。
- 报名信息将显示在准考证上并且不可更改,准考证(包含确切考点地址)在考前一个月左右可以下载。
- 报名、缴费及确认的时间节点,AP学校管理员,学生/家长的报名操作指导,请在
- AP考试每科费用为1390元人民币,包含 ¥35支付手续费(不可退还)。Prometric接受支付宝或微信支付缴纳考试费。
- 一旦考生确认报考并完成支付,将不允许取消或退款。已报名考生如果弃考、缺考,所缴考试费不能退回,也不提供补考。
Important to Know:
- The 2022 AP Exams will be administered as paper-and-pencil exams over two weeks in May: May 2–6 and May 9–13. Digital testing options will not be available in 2022.
- The AP Program permits students to register at only ONE testing location for each subject. Do not attempt to register for the same exam at Prometric and the AP test centers in Hong Kong and South Korea. Doing so will jeopardize a student’s exam registration altogether. Students from designated AP schools in China must register with only Prometric for the subjects listed below.
- Students can only register for either Calculus AB or Calculus BC in the same year, but not both.
- Students can take all four AP Physics exams in one year.
- Students who wish to take both AP Statistics and AP Seminar should register for AP Statistics on May 5 and AP Seminar on May 20 (late testing.)
- Students who wish to take both AP Art History and AP Microeconomics should register for AP Microeconomics on May 6 and AP Art History on May 19 (late testing.)
- Please visit AP official website or contact AP customer service for other exams which are not administered by Prometric.
Student Eligibility Policy: Failure to comply may result in cancelled registrations
- Students must be enrolled at an AP authorized school with a CEEB Code/College Board School Code (6 digits, starts with 694).
- Students who do not attend an AP-authorized school will not be able to register with Prometric.
- Students must have a valid, government issued personal ID.
- China Mainland National ID
- China Hong Kong and Macau Residential ID
- China Taiwan Residential ID
- China Mainland Travel Permit for Hong Kong and Macau Residents
- China Mainland Travel Permit for Taiwan Residents
- China Hong Kong/Macau SAR PR ID
- China Hong Kong/Macau SAR Passport
- Passport for non-China Nationality
- Must be born after May 31, 2001.
Registration Instructions:
- AP Coordinators from each AP school will be responsible for verifying and submitting student and exam subject information in an exam roster to Prometric.
- Only students and subjects submitted in the AP Coordinator’s roster will be eligible to complete exam registration with Prometric. Students who are not on the school roster will not be eligible to register for the AP Exams with Prometric.
- Students who need to take AP Art and Design (2D, 3D, Drawing) and AP Research can only register with their school’s AP coordinators, but not with any test centers.
- For all other exam subjects that are not offered by Prometric, students may register with the AP test center in Hong Kong or Korea.
- All paid exam registrations will be guaranteed with test seat assignments.
- At the time of registration, students will see which city they will be able to test in based on the school they attend. The detailed location will be provided to the AP schools around two months before the exam.
- Student registration information and test location will be included in the exam admission tickets (but cannot be changed), which will be available to download approximately one month before the exam.
- Please find registration, payment and confirmation timeline, instructions for AP Coordinators, Students/Parents on the Timeline page.
Registration Fees:
- ¥1390 per exam, inclusive of RMB 35 service charge (non-refundable), payable to Prometric by Alipay or WeChat Pay at the time of registration.
- No cancellation or refunds will be allowed once the registration is complete. No shows will not be refunded. No make-up exams will be provided.